Through a Woman’s Eye

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Sakia Haque


My Project: Narir chokhe Bangladesh

The name of the project is Narir chokhe Bangladesh — meaning Bangladesh through a woman’s eye. With this project, we try to empower the women throughout 64 districts of the country. We ride scooters to a district (which is very very rare for girls here), go to schools, and give motivational speeches to the young girls there on food & nutrition, self-defense, reproductive health, etc. We believe our effort will contribute at least a bit to women empowerment.

My Inspiration

The conservative society itself.


My Biggest Challenge

The biggest challenge is to change the outlook of the people. They still think a girl traveling alone means she is independent and that would mean you are not suitable to get married. But hopefully, things are changing fast.

My Best Resources

Volunteers, projectors, showing videos to the young girls.

My Advice to Peers

This is a long time project, a project to empower the women of my country. In our group, we have over 9000 active female members. The advice is: it’s going to be a tough journey, but stick to it.

You can contact Sakia through us at