AIESEC - Peace and fulfillment of humankind’s potential


Avini Dixit


Yes, it is very vague and in 2017 when I joined AIESEC as a general member I had no idea about it and what it actually meant. I had very little knowledge about AIESEC and how it operates but the reason I joined it was to grow my international network.

Their first touch after me being selected as a member was a two days induction program which was very exciting and had a very warm touch. People were very friendly and the energy they had was something that I have never seen in my entire life. I was kept in the Outgoing Exchange department which sends youths abroad to do volunteering and internships and I was excited. But things changed completely when I started working with them on the ground. I found that work was not being distributed properly, there were very less meeting and the work that I was given was basically calling the customers which resulted into nothing. I was frustrated and devastated with my experience. They called it as a leadership development platform but there was no progress in me and I felt like leaving the organization in it’s very first three months.

This was the turning point of my journey.

However, our Vice President IGV convinced me to stay a little more and explore the different sides of AIESEC. Then I started working for another department called Incoming Global Volunteer which brings international youths to Nepal. I had a chance to host two people in my home in the beginning. Poorti from India and Fabian from Germany. This was the turning point of my journey. Since then times have changed and my perspective towards AIESEC too.


AIESEC gave me a chance to meet diverse people from around the world which helped me grow my communication skills and made me more open-minded. Being born and raised in Nepal, I had very little knowledge about different cultures around the world, the people, the way they speak, work and live. I started feeling like a global citizen who actually is learning new things from around the globe and is contributing towards their leadership development journey and a more self-aware person.

AIESEC is the world’s largest youth-run organization which was started in 1948 with a vision of “Peace and fulfilment of humankind’s potential”. Even after completing its 70 years, the vision hasn’t shattered and I, as a part of this organization have lived through this. If we look at India and Pakistan, these two countries have political conflicts and the citizens are suffering without any fault. So one day AIESEC in Nepal decided to open a project where only Indians and Pakistanis can work and together they will live in order to build a bonding and know the reality of each other. People who came into the project felt more comfortable and confident with each other. Hence it turned into a reality and our mission was achieved. Slowly and steadily it is changing the concept of people.

Talking about the six AIESEC values i.e. striving for excellence, demonstrating integrity, living in diversity, acting sustainably, activating leadership and enjoying participation. These are the values which one should follow in their daily life to grow too. It connects with anyone, everywhere and gives motivation in each and every step that we take. If one can embed these values in him/herself then nobody can stop them from achieving their goal.

I simply like the way how it has also acknowledged enjoying participation as its value because a young and carefree mind can’t work every day in a boring environment as it gets frustrating and kills the creativity. Hence by knowing the feels of a young person it’s values have been shaped.


In AIESEC, applying for a higher position is the best way to learn more and grow more. If a person stays passive and is not willing to work then the person will not achieve anything out of the whole AIESEC experience and instead curse it while leaving. So when in AIESEC you should not miss a single opportunity that comes along. It is a platform which shows you an opportunity to explore yourself and the world. It isn’t easy and takes a lot of patience but eventually when you understand it you will be enjoying each and every moment.

Energy that AIESECers around the globe have is something that is out of this world. Meeting like-minded people, generating new ideas, implementing it is the strength of AIESEC, it gives you a perfect space to executive your plans, make mistakes and learn from it. It is my second home and a safe place where my voice is heard by my team members and leaders. This is why I recommend AIESEC to everyone. Join it and live your life to create impact on social life of people and to make this world a better place.

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