Your Role as an Ambassador

IBM Student Ambassadors at various events.

IBM Ambassadors are highly recognized leaders on College campuses. They are called upon when opportunities arise such as attending industry events, or meeting IBM corporate clients visiting campus, or teaching Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, and Data Science to peers. How far you take this role is up to you. Many Ambassadors have utilized all the benefits and resources available to build a name for themselves in technology landing exclusive internships or corporate jobs, initiating new programs on campus, earning high-demand tech badges, cultivating a valuable network on LinkedIn, and more.

The Your Big Year team is here to help you take these important steps. We’ll make sure you gain the skills and have access to the tools and materials needed. We’ll also make it fun and support your work along the way!

As discussed in onboarding, here is your checklist for the year:

  • Earn 3x high-demand IBM Badges:

    • Getting Started with ArtificiaI Intelligence (approx 3 hours)

    • Getting Started with Cybersecurity (approx 3 hours)

    • Getting Started with Data (approx 3 hours)

  • Organize 2x watch parties or workshops per semester

  • Attend the monthly IBM TechTalks

  • Attend the monthly Ambassador leadership session

  • Showcase your experience 1x month on social media

Ambassador Tiers

The IBM Ambassador program has two tiers: Enthusiast and Ace. These are based on your activity throughout the year-long program. Many Ambassadors ask how they can be recommended for industry jobs.

As you can see below there are many more benefits to unlock if you continue to grow your skills and earn points. The Your Big Year team is standing by to help you with any questions, support, tools, and materials needed.


Start by sending us a WhatsApp text with any questions!


How do I earn points, rewards, badges and more?

We make it easy for you to earn points each week through our Weekly Action notification. Keep an eye on the Ambassador Hub and your text messages for these opportunities!

Remember: Ambassadors are required to stay active in the program with your target checklist. So gain new skills, new contacts, new opportunities and get known as the IBM Ambassador on your campus and with industry leaders - not much downside there!!

IBM SkillsBuild Ambassadors point system
  • Ambassadors are required to stay active in the program with your target checklist.

    The graph shown above on this page outlines the point's structure.

    The Year Big Year team will send you weekly actions via the Ambassador hub (and Email, Discord, and WhatsApp group) to help you easily earn the points required while learning new skills!

  • We get it, college and life get busy. What we don't know about, we can't help you with. So be in touch with the team - quick text message responses are easy.

  • Always remember that you are representing IBM and Your Big Year in your participation in this program. Try your best to keep things professional, and show up to events, workshops, and fulfill your responsibilities to the best of your ability. Being respectful towards your fellow IBM Ambassadors, the IBM-ers and Your Big Year leadership team will be expected, and will be reciprocated! This includes being responsive to emails, texts, messages and other notifications from the YBY team and the IBM Team.

  • Everyone in this program is different: whether their country, age, background, life stage, work, school. This community is about learning and growing. Discuss, debate, co-create, but do not discriminate. We will constantly be monitoring the platform and ensuring that it is a safe place for everyone to come and grow. We expect that everything you do is done with high quality, high integrity and approached with an open mindset.   

  • Everyone leads such busy lives these days, that sometimes mental health and well-being can take a backseat. As you are juggling school, work, extracurricular activities and the IBM Ambassador program, remember to take care of yourself and prioritize your wellness. Self-care should always be a priority, and whatever that looks like to you, remember to carve out quality time for that. 

    If during the duration of the program you are struggling with your mental health, please reach out to for support and resources.

  • All of these forms can be found on the Ambassador Hub.

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