Build bridges between diverse cultures

Your Big Year is challenging young leaders across the world to build positive bridges between diverse cultures! In fact, young leaders from 106 countries have already participated in seven virtual challenges!

If you want to create long-lasting friendships, learn new skills and make a real impact - then the Your Big Year Global Citizens Challenge is for you! Our online dynamic program provides young people with a transformative, and collaborative way to meet and work with peers worldwide. By participating, you will gain skills in digital collaboration, social impact, and cultural understanding, and learn about future career-building opportunities directly from professionals.

Upcoming Challenges:

October 24-26, 2024: 21+ years old

February 6-9, 2025: 15-20 years old


What happens?

Program incorporates:

  • Penpal Sessions - interactive hangout video calls with other participants,

  • Interactive Activities & Virtual Passports - team based group work with your peers,

  • Industry Speakers - presentations and panel discussions from amazing speakers from the travel and tourism industry,

  • International Action Hub - immersive brainstorming and collaborative work through an interactive virtual space.

Our participants are in every time zone around the world. Therefore, the event has been designed with flexibility. Participants join at all hours between school, work, and other commitments - and some have so much fun that they stay on 24/7!!

Career-skills fellowship access:

After the event, participants will have free access to the Your Big Year® Fellowship, a 3-month, self-paced program with 12 group coaching calls and learning platform. The curriculum teaches personal and professional development skills based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and how you can make an impact in your life and in your world! Learn More.


Learn More about the program


Everyone loves our program

“Building global competency skills in our students is an important responsibility of all of us educators no matter what subject we teach. The fact that the Global Citizens Challenge is a perfect resource to have so many students participate and communicate with youth throughout the world.”

- Amy Bonnici, Teacher, Wheeler School, Rhode Island, USA

“The Global Citizens Challenge reignited my passion for world cultures, solidified my belief that meaningful connections can still be nurtured in virtual environments, and finally, invited me to join a vast network of committed global citizens.”

- Shamma, Student, United Arab Emirates


Who Should Apply?

The Global Citizens Challenge committee will select up to 200 young people to participate in each challenge:

  • February Challenge: 15-20 year olds including schools and classes.

  • October Challenge:  21-30 year olds including Universities.

The Committee is seeking self-driven, diverse individuals who bring passion, energy, and a desire to learn. We don’t judge by traditional credentials but by alignment with our values:

  • Passionate about making a change

  • Eager to learn about different cultures from peers with diverse backgrounds

  • Desire to meet and connect with a variety of people

  • Wish to grow as a young professional through an online experience

  • Aim to grow personally, gaining a deeper understanding of yourself and your community

  • Seek to make a meaningful impact in your life and the world!

For more information, please read our FAQs

Apply today

October Challenge application deadline: September 15, 2024
February Challenge application deadline: January 15, 2025


 Meet the GCC
Youth Leadership Team