Your Big Year

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The World Is Your Classroom

~Taiane Barroso


My project: Beyonder. ME

Beyonder.ME is a network that connects visiting travelers from around the world with locals that have practical knowledge to share, creating a unique, deep, and cultural learning interaction.

My Inspiration

As an unschooled and serial traveler myself, I have been observing how traditional local culture is being lost by foreign information. Communities lose not only their ancestral knowledge as well as family traditions and self-esteem. On the other hand, serial travellers like me, are looking for that very special deep learning experience during their travels, in order to get back to their hometowns with a different and useful set of skills.

“To endeavor a project or company is an infinite process of self-knowledge and self-awareness, get used to it, and make the most of it.”

Biggest Challenge

Our biggest challenge is investment and industry of innovation not willing to take risks. There are only a few programs with financial investment; angel investors are rare to find; and that all plus a very expensive cost of living in Rio, makes me and my partners not being able to dedicate full time to our project.

My Best Resources

Being able to be part of networks that support and inspire your project is a must. Besides, having direct access to entrepreneurs, inspiring people, tools, and methodologies through open-source information, videos, and books.

My Advice to Peers

Choose partners that complement and add up to your own talents and whom you can trust blindly, believe in what you are doing, give yourself time and space to ask yourself, and your heart if that still moves you. To endeavour a project or company is an infinite process of self-knowledge and self-awareness, get used to it and make the most of it.

Taiane Barroso