Your Big Year

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Give your 100% and the fruits will catch up with you

~Parth Upadhyaya


What is your Project/organization you are working on/with?

I have my own company called Dark Dream Adventures. Where I organize expeditions, hikes, camping events across India.

I am also a motivational speaker. After climbing Everest I now go across schools, colleges, corporates, various institutions, and travel events to share my story.

I knew when I was studying that I wasn’t in the right field so I decided by the time I finish I want to have something to fall back on. Whilst on a hike I met someone who had just quit their job and wanted to start a travel company, I thought BINGO! Can we start this together? That is when Dark Dream Adventures all started.

What was your inspiration?

I was born and brought up in the city of Mumbai in India. As a kid, I wasn’t athletic. I had no focus and had zero clarity in life. To my surprise, at the age of 16, my father enrolled me in a small hike in local mountains. I had reached the highest peak in our state. I saw the sun rising from the summit of the mountain and as a sixteen-year-old I thought, wow this sunrise from this small village is so beautiful… How would the sunrise look from the highest peak in the world? I made a promise to myself that in this life, I want to see that sunrise!

I don’t care what it costs, what I have to do and sacrifice to get to do this, but I’m gonna do it. I graduated from Aircraft maintenance engineering in 2016. During the weekends and when I had some time off I used to go on small hikes. I met people while hiking and they told me if I want to climb Everest these are some things you need to do, such as basic and advanced mountaineering courses in India. I completed those courses and climbed a few 6,000 and 7,000 meter high ranges. Gaining experience for mountaineering, such as dealing with bad weather, health issues, conducting an expedition, this awakened the mountaineer within me.

On May 23rd, 2019 I summited Everest.

What challenges have you faced?

  • When I started engineering I knew I was in the wrong field, I didn’t have much clarity on what I wanted to do.

  • When I decided I wanted to go into the travel business full time, everyone around me, (including my parents and brothers) thought I was crazy!

  • There were many lifestyle changes I made to ensure that everything I was doing was equating to my goal of climbing Everest. From someone who has never been focused on anything, now waking up by my own will at 3:30 am.

  • Another challenge I faced was raising the funds for the Everest climb because the costs were around 50–60 thousand US dollars.

  • For 2 years being rejected by companies and politicians for funding was not an easy thing to go through every day.

  • During the climb, we faced bad weather! Cold winds, snowstorms, and snowfall. The weather up there was horrendous. I climbed from the Chinese side, which is comparatively more challenging. The Northside practically never sees the sun, so it is very cold.

  • Losing a few friends on Everest was hard. One of them died in front of me.

What you have found to be your best resources?

  • When my parents saw that I was serious about climbing Everest and was putting in all my efforts they realized I will go ahead with or without their blessing on it they told me I will have their support. They have been my pillar of strength throughout my journey and without them, it could not have been as smooth as it all happened.

  • Looking at things from a solution-based mindset rather than a problem mindset has stopped me from letting the problem get me down.

  • Funding support from my well-wishes and people who have seen my journey. From fundraising, I managed to get around 50% of the cost, after my father seeing that many others were contributing he decided to help contribute as well, with our money combined we made an extra 20% of the costs. In the last month, I was falling short of around 20% of the cost, from friends and family we took a loan, which I am slowly repaying now.

  • My guide, Sherpa, he was such a strong, calm and composed guide, his name Is Pinero sherpa. He saved my life out there and has been a constant support and companion out there.

  • Pranayama and meditation have helped me take control of my mind and emotions instead of being controlled by those.

What advice do you have for your peers?

Everyone wanting to go on a hike or trek, you should go through the correct training.

Before doing anything, think it over many times. If you are doing something don’t give anything less than 100%, because if you are not giving 100%, it’s your time and your energy that you are wasting. When you choose to pursue something, do not hesitate in giving 100%. Give your 100% and the fruits will catch up with you.

Do you have any future projects or ideas?

In terms of mountaineering, I have a clear vision of what I’d personally like to achieve… There are 14 mountains in the world that rise above the altitude of 8,000 meters (the death zone). I want to climb those 14 peaks.