Your Big Year

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Bringing Back Connection

Lida-Maria Lottko


My Project: BE.CAUSE - Berlin/London

BECAUSE. is the tool that brings people together to help each other – while raising money for charity. From running errands to cooking a fresh meal, BECAUSE. connects people in need of a little help, with others who can offer it. As a thank you, the Getter donates money to the Giver’s charity of choice.

While technology has made us more connected in many ways, we find ourselves in communities where we swipe more than we talk, where we have more friends on social networks than we can call upon to lend us a hand when we need help. 

BECAUSE. was founded to bring connection back to communities by facilitating meaningful, person to person interactions. It’s about helping one another, just BECAUSE.

My Inspiration

“What’s truly helped me is not to hide but rather to seek out other entrepreneurs, to talk openly about worries and to help each other through the funk.”

I've lived in many big cities from San Francisco, New York, and Boston to London and Berlin. While loving the diversity of entertainment, food, and work opportunities these cities offered me I've always missed a sense of belonging, a community, neighbors I could call upon. I've also very much missed the possibility of giving my time and skills to others in need. The unpredictable and busy life of consulting and entrepreneurship didn't allow me to fit volunteering in as it mostly required regular commitment. That's when it hit me... Giving on-demand... Why pay someone for a little help when there might be a neighbor around the corner who'd do it just because...en

Biggest Challenge
The biggest challenge is to understand when and how to reach people to get them to join BECAUSE. 

My Best Resources
What's truly helped me is not to hide but rather to seek out other entrepreneurs, to talk openly about worries and to help each other through the funk. I'm a big fan of The School of Life's Youtube channel and Shots of Awe whenever I'm in need of a pick me up. 

My Advice to peers
Start. No matter how small the first step. Just freaking start. Otherwise, it will just stay in your head. Just start. The time will never be right.