Your Big Year

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My experience in the Global Citizens Challenge

When Mrs. Stacie Freeman introduced to the Global Citizens Challenge last October, I had no idea what it was about or what I would be doing. I decided to sign up for the challenge and see what it was all about. After I had joined the first zoom meeting for the challenge, I knew that I was really going to enjoy this new experience. I love learning about other cultures, and I also like travelling. The Global Citizens Challenge helped me do this, and more, from the comfort of my home.

Although I wasn’t physically traveling to another country, I still learned so much by talking to other important individuals that live across the world. My favorite part about this challenge were the leadership sessions. I was fascinated with the fact that I was able to communicate with people who had taken this challenge before and learn about their experiences when they participated in it. This helped me to become more familiar with the challenge and to appreciate this opportunity even more. This challenge also taught me how I can become a better Global Citizen.

Last year, me and my Global Studies class had volunteered at two different animal rescue shelters in Costa Rica. I really enjoyed it, as I was able to come into contact with animals that I had only seen on T.V. It was a surreal experience, and I loved every second of it. I had shared this information with a few of the Global Citizen Challenge participants, and they gave me excellent advice on how I could do volunteer work for animals in the small city that I currently live in, which is known as Greenfield, TN.

I thought that the Miro board was an interesting part of the challenge as well. Seeing how everyone answered each of the questions helped me to learn more about them, their cultures, and about their countries. I will definitely remember this wondrous experience, and I look forward to seeing what My Big Year does next.

~ Jared, Tennessee